Работа и вакансии для переводчиков

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Переводчик Elchin Kerimov '46 лет

Знание русского, английского, турецкого и азербайджанского языков. Родной язык - азербайджанский. Проживает в городе: Baku (Azerbaijan).

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Образование: High - university diploma

Date of Birth: November 16, 1968 “A proven track record in Oil & Gas, construction, procurement, administration, HSSE related and other activities within various construction, engineering and oil and gas production companies. I am capable to carry out any assigned responsibilities within various construction locations and sites with different profiles as well as to provide support with minimal supervision where self-reliance and independent thinking are required. Excellent interpersonal skills, a professional attitude, and firm personality to see tough jobs through independently or as a team member. I am most familiar with and committed to HSE policies and practices of major petroleum and construction companies." Achievements Managed the organization and coordination of security service at Sangachal Terminal and WREP and NREP facilities have achieved the success in the course of execution of Deputy Operations Security Coordinator position: 1. The incident has been prevented by security staff under my supervision who assigned to carry out the regular observance and inspection of the area where both sub sea and above ground pipeline was laid. The spot was detected on the surface of the sea water what could be a sign of the oil leakage coming out of sea water. The appropriate resources have been involved and the appropriate measures have been taken and the possible leakage has been eliminated. Following the recommendation submitted by me in this respect the Presidential Award was granted to the Security Officer who was in charge for security patrol that day. 2. I managed the reconstruction and redesign of the Security office at PS-5 of WREP what has highly improved the observance points of security staff of this facility allowing them to easily conduct the access control p...

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Общий стаж работы переводчиком 10 год.

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16 января, 2024

Опасности применения ИИ в переводах ответственных документов

24 октября, 2023

Локализация сайтов с помощью Weblate

29 июня, 2023

Как найти переводчика в Китае?

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